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For Prophet

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”John Muir Travis and I went to see a documentary at the Guild last week: John Muir, Unruly Mystic. The film ambled…

Shine On

Meister Eckhart, 13th-century mystic, wrote: All beings are words of God. God’s music, God’s art. Sacred books we are, for the Infinite camps in our souls. Every act reveals God and expands God’s Being.I know that may be hard to…


The world can be terribly discouraging. Systemic injustice, institutionalized inequality, corruption and greed, lies and spin and manipulation are a freakin’ drag and drain. Most people I know, myself included, are feeling run-down and spent these days. Some of this…

Up to Know Good

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays. ” - Søren Kierkegaard I’ve always prayed. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a conversation with Life…

True Magic

When I was little, I wished so hard to discover that I had secret magical powers.  This was long before the Harry Potter series was written, but the beginning of that story captured pretty much exactly what I dreamed throughout…

I Do Declare

The affirmative approach we take in the Science of Mind philosophy and practice is uplifting and can be tremendously empowering. Our prayers are positive, and we speak them with creative authority. We call forth new possibilities, refusing to be bogged…

Ode to Joy

David Whyte writes of Joy as: “The sheer intoxicating beauty of the world inhabited as an edge between what we previously thought was us and what we thought was other than us.” This definition feels nearly perfect: Pushing the thin…

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