Sometimes it seems like everything has changed and nothing will ever be the same. From another angle, though, it looks to me like things are pretty much the same as they’ve always been — amped up, for sure, but basically…
Sometimes it seems like everything has changed and nothing will ever be the same. From another angle, though, it looks to me like things are pretty much the same as they’ve always been — amped up, for sure, but basically…
I don't remember why, but for some reason, I was looking up the arbitrary standards by which non-metric measurements were established. For example: an inch, originally, was determined to be the width of a man’s thumb. In a number…
Our one-year-old kitty, Danny, was a skinny little guy when he joined our family six months ago. His Instagram handle is “Little Danny Cat,” in fact, because he seemed so bitty compared to his mature sister-aunties, Val and Flo. That…
There’s a bothersome paradox at the heart of the Science of Mind philosophy. Well, honestly, it’s not just in the Science of Mind, and there’s not just one. Regarding ambiguities and contradictions, I am kind of like a pig…
My first memory is of my father. It was a little over a month before my third birthday. He woke me in the middle of the night, with an air of hushed excitement, and carried me across the street to…
“I hope so.” Too often, this phrase lands for me as terribly limp and feeble. It may contain a modicum of positivity, but only the most meager portion — a glimmer, a sliver... “I hope so,” tends to convey too…
I know that a lot of people, myself included, are unsure about the best ways to participate and contribute to the work of healing and restorative justice right now. As a white guy, I’m trying to check my urge to…
Fact-checking is not a violation of anyone’s first amendment rights. The President of the United States shouldn’t be allowed to lie with impunity. White people, wealthy people, male people, straight people, people enjoying any position of privilege and power should…
A dream that I had about 5 years ago came back this week, at least part of it, the idea of it. There might have been a few differences, but I woke up with this same phrase in my head…
A couple of years ago I placed a mail order for amaryllis bulbs for a New Year’s ritual at Bosque CSL. I was a little late ordering and they didn’t arrive in time for our service, so Travis found a…